Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Let's Get Real

I will not concede that the voters of this nation ultimately believe that John McCain is the man to lead us into a world of new and daunting challenges.

I will not concede that this election will be won by John McCain, a man who has appealed to the very worst of human frailties (fear of the different, lack of vision, narrow-mindedness), rather than the best in us, in order to win.

I refuse to believe that Americans will choose to live within the tight knot of anger, pessimism, and disdain that sits at the heart of John McCain's philosophy.

I believe, rather, that America will see that Barack Obama, the man who has inspired a surge of optimism in those who have long been disenfranchised, and who, with great intelligence and dignity, has demonstrated what an American president should be, will stand at a podium and accept the nation's mandate for positive change.

And I mean it.

But dear GOD I need this election to be over. I can't take the anxiety.

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