Tuesday, October 28, 2008

It All Began When...


There was a great beauty by the Tree,
Less sense, I fear, and wit;
She showed herself a harlotry,
And did as she thought fit.
The knees uncrossed in Paradise
Were fatal to our kind--
O that the Boss had given her
More brain and less behind!
If she had not opened up
To Adam her man, and made
Men, there would have been no
Strife, and sparring with spade;
And all our pilling woes
Stopped at the very Spring--
Innocent as the rose
Then, each rejoicing Spring.

by Arthur J. Bull

Bull's misogynistic irreverence is conscious in this poem. He laments that Eve ever "knew" Adam (in the biblical sense, pun intended) and begat children, for without that original procreative episode, there would be no man and, therefore, no manmade suffering visited upon mankind. Like Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag, for example.

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